Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Cheapest heel cushion?

Adding 7 to 15 mm lift under the heel could be beneficial in achilles tendinosis (T.D. Noakes, "Staying Injury Free" in Lore of Running, 4th Ed., Chap. 14, pp 827). Unfortunately branded (e.g Spenco, & Tuli, etc) heel cushion (aka heel cup) can be expensive - especially when considering that the raw material is just silicone rubber. I stumbled upon this made-in-China version which costs a fraction (RM13.70) of the branded one at the Young Ones's branch in Bayan Baru, Penang. The thickness increases from 1.5 mm at the mid-foot edge to a maximum thickness of 8 mm at rearmost edge.

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Anonymous WK Lee said...

have you tried running in them?

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Jordan Lee Yew Beng said...

I use to cut the old insole into half and place the front part under-neath the new insole to add more cushion. So do not throw away your old insole. Cherrio!!!

1:07 AM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

Yes. Perhaps my feet are dumb, but they can't tell the difference from my old Spenco.
>> slimnote23 wrote today at 3:50 PM
>> have you tried running in them?

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

Hi Yew Beng, Good idea. But if cushioning is what u want, better to use new material. The EVA material of insoles (and midsole) are famously prone to compression set. By the time your old shoes are ready to retire, its insoles would have lost most of its original cushioning. On the other hand, silicone rubber doesn't lose cushioning over time but is many times heavier - that's probably the reason why Asics only place silicone ("gel") in tiny sections of the mid-sole.

;-) Interestingly adding heel cushioning like this is contradictory to the minimalist shoe & mid-foot concepts espoused by Chi running - "You need to feel the road," Dreyer says. "The more your feet can really feel the ground, the more it will educate the rest of your body on how to move and how to run."

6:29 PM  

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