Monday, February 02, 2009

My experiment with minimalist running shoes - part 1

No gel. No air. No dual-density mid-sole to reduce pronation. The absence of extraneous devices is probably why it is light (US size 10 = 8 oz). The price is amazingly light on the pocket too - at RM130, it's a timely answer to the current economic troubles.

What motivated this experiment? A fellow runner posted a provocative article about poor Kenyans training in hand-me-downs with dead mid-sole [1] to the Waterfall Weekend Warriors mail list and a study finding cheap and expensive shoes having equal shock absorption [2]. I bought the first pair (Prospec Marathon 5) in Oct '08 and wore it in SIM 21k (and several shorter races). What running in it is like? Like rock & roll, lah! At least that's what it felt initially. But after several weeks, my feet adapted to the hyper-mobile/unstable platform and they felt fine. Out-sole durability around the area of maximum wear (lateral edge of heel) is so-so.

Satisfied with the first pair, I bought a 2nd pair (Marathon 4) in early '09. They are essentially the same shoes (similar mid/out soles) with cosmetic differences in the uppers to distinguish them.

[1] Guan Choon's post to the Waterfall Weekend Warriors mail list, 15th Oct '08.
[2] "Cheap Trainers Are As Good As Expensive Ones, And Sometimes Better", (online). Available:

My experiment with minimalist running shoes - part 2

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Anonymous gc lim said...

Has your running form improve after changing to a minimalist shoe?

11:54 PM  
Anonymous Jordan Lee Yew Beng said...

What is cheap does not means it is of low quality. It is because it is new to the market. So what is cheap it can be good too. cheers! Which store Chin Leong which store sell type of shoe. I think I will buy a pair and try it out.

8:05 PM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

;-) The old running form was hard-copy but last year PBIM went online. I don't know enuf of the Chi/Pose/Alexander/Rolf methods to know what constitute good running form. But I wouldn't mind if my style is as ungainly as Paula Radcliff's painful-to-watch pecking motion if I could have some of her speed. Or Haile Gebreselassie's unmoving left arm (acquired from years of running to school with books carried in that arm).

4:00 PM  
Anonymous Mark Lee said...

where to buy?

8:51 PM  
Anonymous sf tsen said...

I am now trying out Adidas Supernova, after 2 / 3 years of using Asics. It was adviced from the Adidas foot specialist at the foot scan, apparently, using the wrong sole type due to my high arch & pronation. i will be looking for a 2nd pair soon, i do not mind trying the Prospec to see if any difference and make me a stronger runner. Luckily, no injuries yet, but i want to prevent from getting you view / sharing, made me think twice on spending the $. Lets chat more at my place this Friday.

9:03 PM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

Cheng Hoe at Komtar ground floor

10:33 PM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

Lee Hoe at Komtar ground floor.

10:33 PM  

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