Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cheap synthetic running socks

Synthetic acrylic socks are better than cotton as the fibres retain less sweat; hence less blisters as ... don't have wet fibres rubbing the toes [1]. Expensive socks (e.g. Thorlos) have 75 to 95% acrylic and 25 to 5% nylon [2] - unfortunately RM49.90 per pair. Alternative for the frugal: Pallas has an acrylic school sock that goes for ~RM4; the tag attached below.References:
[1] Personal correspondence with Siew Swan, 6th Jan 2009.
[2]Top 8 Socks for Exercise. (Online). Available:



Anonymous Mark Lee said...

anything cheap i am game

12:40 AM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

Spoken like a true Penang-kia! I hope not be taken in by the "differential pricing" strategy favoured by the marketing boffins in my industry where the same component is sold at different price multipliers, so that the poorest to the richest customer can be simultaneously satisfied! You may also be interested in this study finding similar shock absorption capability in running shoes spanning the entire price spectrum - "Cheap Trainers Are As Good As Expensive Ones, And Sometimes Better" ( Over the past few months, I have been experimenting with cheap minimalist shoes after reading GC's email (15 Oct 08) on Africans running in hand-me-downs with lifeless mid-sole:-O

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Yin Boey said... long have you been running in these socks? i've just been using the usual cotton brooks ones, but then again i'm not a long-distance runner, only doing 10ks for now...

3:35 AM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

Hi Yin, I have been using them for years :-) mostly because I am cheap! This Spenco site is another resource on choosing socks: I haven't run a marathon either.

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Yin Boey said...

thanks for the link :) so what's the longest distance you've run?

12:39 AM  
Anonymous Chin Leong Lim said...

25k (last year's Penang Malakoff). Don't u find it is mysterious that serious racers who won't wear the cotton vests provided by the organizer, have no qualm about cotton socks?

5:16 PM  

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