Wednesday, April 08, 2009

A cheap, convenient and effective solution to runner's knee?

According to this study, off-the-shelf orthoses made of EVA (similar material to midsole) resulted in >80% of users experiencing improvement in 6 weeks. It promises to be a really cheap solution assuming if the original orthoses can be substituted with a locally made insole and a time saver (no visit to the sinseh, physio & etc.). What is more remarkable is the candour of the authors, who are Aussie physiotherapists, because the conclusion that "orthoses are as good as physiotherapy" practically destroyed their rice bowls (physio costs many times more and requires numerous time consuming visits).

N. Collins, et al, "Foot orthoses and physiotherapy in the treatment of patellofemoral pain syndrome: randomised clinical trial",


Cheapest heel cushion?

Adding 7 to 15 mm lift under the heel could be beneficial in achilles tendinosis (T.D. Noakes, "Staying Injury Free" in Lore of Running, 4th Ed., Chap. 14, pp 827). Unfortunately branded (e.g Spenco, & Tuli, etc) heel cushion (aka heel cup) can be expensive - especially when considering that the raw material is just silicone rubber. I stumbled upon this made-in-China version which costs a fraction (RM13.70) of the branded one at the Young Ones's branch in Bayan Baru, Penang. The thickness increases from 1.5 mm at the mid-foot edge to a maximum thickness of 8 mm at rearmost edge.

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